So I started having pains every time I wake up for the past few weeks, at first it just seemed to be from having to pee really badly, then I stretch out a bit, and I have horrible shooting pains from my lower abdomen to the area just below my right rib cage. I payed no attention to it, until yesterday when it lasted for a few hours after I woke up.
I called the doctor when the pains became severe, and I was told to go to the ER just incase.
I went to the ER, and they sent me to the 4th floor labor and delivery, because I am 20 weeks, they checked out the baby who seemed fine, my blood pressure was impressively low, no protein in the urine. The doctor said that the pain is way too high to be caused by the baby, and it seems to be radiating around the gall bladder, most likely it was a gall stone attack, or associated with appendix or liver.
I have PCOS and hypothyroidism, and I decided to do some checking on my soul cysters message board, and apparently there is some sort of link between gallstones and PCOS. Quite common, and I should reduce fat intake.
However I also have gestational diabetes and I have lost 11 pounds, and I have to cut out the carbs. What else is there to eat? I am having aversions to meat so that eliminates proteins and I am sorry but I cannot eat nothing but greens. Lately no food looks good but I get sick if I don't eat. I vomited the last time I ate meat, and I really havent gotten sick much the entire pregnancy, I felt like I needed to and I couldn't. The only foods that dont seem to disagree with me are oily fast foods, burgers and such which are so bland that they dont taste like meat to me., which I never liked to eat before the pregnancy. I know it isn't healthy of me, especially with the other issues, but I wind up eating nothing all day because nothing is appetizing or something smells like it will make me sick.
I spend all night making a dinner that I barely touch.
I am so frustrated by everything right now, and the pain has made it unbearable to sleep, which is why I am still awake at 4:19 in the morning.
Everyone has made it painfully clear of the many complications that can occur because of my health conditions, and the chance of a still born and preeclampsia are astronomically high, and I am beyond terrified.
It almost makes me terrified to eat now, I went from just a couple weeks ago eating anything in sight to this because I found out about the gestational diabetes.
Help! Does anyone understand these frustrations? Googling just terrifies me even more, and I am trying to avoid it, and tonight I have some and it has only scared me more.
I have an ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow, and I should be excited but I am losing it.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Sunday, November 30, 2014
So I am 20 weeks pregnant!
Cravings: Grape fruit juice, I don't even like the stuff but I have to drink it, and I have been. I also still always want shrimp, and I don't want or even like other meats anymore. It all tastes terrible. Especially pork.
Worries: I got really sick a week ago. I had nausea in the first trimester, but I only actually threw up a couple of times, and then at 19 weeks I was suddenly vomiting and had food aversions back for one day. And now its fine.
Turns out I have to go back for a 3 hour glucose because they want to confirm that I have gestational diabetes. Turns out that vomiting and weight loss are also signs of gestational diabetes.
I have been consistently losing weight instead of gaining it, though the doctor doesn't seem concerned. I am huge now though. Ridiculously huge.
Everyone at Thanksgiving was telling how positive they are that I am having a girl, and my Memaw has already decided she is going to call her Trixy. *palm face* We all told her that was a stripper name and it was hilarious. A couple of my aunts insisted that I am having twins! It is possible, I have two sets of twins on my moms side, all second cousins though if that matters.
1. Pee in a glass * Do not use plastic
2. Take it outside and pour CRYSTAL DRAINO into the cup of urine
3. Wait: it will turn GREEN for a GIRL or BROWN for a BOY
I am going to wait to find out at our reveal party with everyone else, but try it and let me know if it works!
Worries: I got really sick a week ago. I had nausea in the first trimester, but I only actually threw up a couple of times, and then at 19 weeks I was suddenly vomiting and had food aversions back for one day. And now its fine.
Turns out I have to go back for a 3 hour glucose because they want to confirm that I have gestational diabetes. Turns out that vomiting and weight loss are also signs of gestational diabetes.
I have been consistently losing weight instead of gaining it, though the doctor doesn't seem concerned. I am huge now though. Ridiculously huge.
Everyone at Thanksgiving was telling how positive they are that I am having a girl, and my Memaw has already decided she is going to call her Trixy. *palm face* We all told her that was a stripper name and it was hilarious. A couple of my aunts insisted that I am having twins! It is possible, I have two sets of twins on my moms side, all second cousins though if that matters.
GENDER TEST TRICK: Try this if you want to find out the gender of your baby. My aunt came to town from Georgia, and they have been trying to concieve a boy for a long while now, they have been blessed with all girls, but in Georgia they have a trick for finding out the gender, and they swear it has worked for everyone who has tried it.
1. Pee in a glass * Do not use plastic
2. Take it outside and pour CRYSTAL DRAINO into the cup of urine
3. Wait: it will turn GREEN for a GIRL or BROWN for a BOY
I am going to wait to find out at our reveal party with everyone else, but try it and let me know if it works!
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