My mom has to speak at a conference in California in March, and if this baby comes early, which according to my research is a good possibility, she wont be able to make it.
I found this article which pretty much sums up the pain pretty well.
for more go to:
She basically sums up and says that she had to go to a chiropractor, wear a brace, and do kegel exorcises and heating pads. None of which sound helpful in the least. But I will talk to my doctor about what can be done when I go this week. I am getting more terrified of delivery by the minute with this pain. If simply walking and turning in bed is painful... How am I going to push out a baby? AHH! Has anyone else had this pain, and found the cause AND the RELIEF? Should I work out or stay on my feet. I feel better when I have rested a few hours, but then I go and work again and if I sit for a few minutes I can't get back up! *frustration* Instinct says to sit on my ass, but I don't have time. I might have just changed my mind about an epidural if I can deliver traditionally. Yeah I know, everyone said I would change my mind ;p