Saturday, September 6, 2014

My super-top-secret list of BABY NAMES

Nope, I am not going to list my baby names to the public, or choose from a top 200 list from the bump. I recieved an awesome goodie bag from my OB/GYN yesterday full of baby magazines, and I was shocked at how many lists of popular baby names there were. I had to read them of course to eliminate any names on the list from my own. But I still find it hard to believe that anyone would read a top list of popular names to choose their baby's name from. I will stress that I was given a name that has become so common that my step sister had my name, and 10% of my all girl catholic school class. I had 3 step siblings, and all of them had the most common names. Maybe I could find plenty of key chains with my name on them, and it's not hard to find a "share a coke with Emily" bottle, but these things lose their value with their frequency. Something with a unique name custom engraved is like owning a one of a kind purse, or a limited edition x-box, it's certainly more special than that key chain with a common name.
So without further ado, I am going to hide my list of super top secret baby names, so that people like you don't have them engraved on key chains, and maybe the name will stay rare enough to become a family heirloom of a name in the future!

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