Friday, September 12, 2014


I desperately need a

A. strawberry/raspberry/rhubarb cream cheese streusel, with chocolate chips, and caramel drizzle,

B. Shrimp

separately of course!

 and maybe possibly, definitely a desert from Heine bro's coffee. They have the best stuff ever!
and a salted caramel milkshake from steak and shake.

I made soup for dinner, broccoli cheese which is my favorite. but I got sick when I sniffed it, and now all I think i can safely eat without vomiting are listed above.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Nesquick is a no-no!

I was terrified when I went to purchase Nesquick last week, in hopes of finding strawberry and banana flavors for milk. (For some reason I do not like chocolate very much right now which goes against my personality.) They didn't even have banana but the strawberry mix is ungodly unhealthy.
NO I am not one of those skinny pretty perfect ladies who we all want to be when pregnant. I am medium/ normal with a thyroid problem and I like my sweets, and my body. I just want to keep it! So yes I had a fit when I saw how much sugar and how many carbs are in nesquick. MAKE YOUR OWN!!! Its so much healthier!


  • one vial of banana extract, or immitation banana (or whatever flavor you want like vanilla, strawberry, or rhubarb if you are having a craving lol)
  • splenda  (approved by the FDA for pregnant women)
  • a half gallon of milk

And shake up the low carb magic!!

A small glass of this is great for so many reasons!

A. heartburn
B. filling and great breakfast
C. alternate choice for someone with a sweet tooth
D. You need to drink more milk anyway

Even if you aren't pregnant, this is a great recipe because it tastes just like the banana nesquick at the gas station, cheaper and with less carbs.

How far along am I?

I just had it confirmed by the doctor, I am 8 weeks and 5 days along. I also had an MRI approved by the neurologist to check out my tumor because its still early. I have been referred to a neurosurgeon. The ball is rolling.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Smell

Wow, I feel like I am in a febreeze commercial and they are doing the unveiling of everything that I am "noseblind" to.

So what did I do about my stinky pet odor infested house?

What anyone else with a laptop would, I googled remedies for house odors. I don't have vinegar at my disposal, and I am thinking that even if I did, it wouldn't be a good idea for my super sensitive nose at the moment.

Another remedy that I found on the internet is hydrogen peroxide and baking soda.

Baking soda is amazing for everything apparently. The only baking soda that I have is in my arm&hammer litter box deodorizer. That actually worked out wonderfully. I first tried to mix the two in a squirt bottle, but the arm&hammer clumped up, so I screwed the nozzle of the sprayer in the hydrogen peroxide bottle, and voila, I sprayed all the carpets, and then sprinkled the arm and hammer and it smells great in here!! I have all the windows open and fans going to air it all out while I clean all day. I am going as far as to scrub the walls. I have never felt so much like a germa-phobe until I got pregnant.

My wonderful Grandma ordered me a Dyson animal which will be here in a couple of days and I cannot wait. I am scrubbing down the entire house until all odors are GONE!

If anyone has a carpet cleaner I could borrow I would really appreciate it!

BTW MOM'S: If you have any super-top-secret tips and tricks to keeping the house spotless please share with the class!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Baby photos of Mommy and Daddy - (will update with pictures of Kyle)

One thing that I definitely want to have for our baby, is a ton of pictures of him/her growing up. I really don't have that many. But then again the digital age did not come until I was much older. I have a feeling we will have so many it will be ridiculous. These are the two youngest pictures that I have of myself. I have a couple more buried somewhere, that I will dig up and add. I also need baby pictures of Kyle! I would love to hang all 3 baby pictures side by side on the wall and start a family tree wall. 

If anyone reading this blog has baby photos of Kyle, please email them to me at or send them to me on facebook.  As soon as we have some I will add them to this post.  

NO this is not me, this is a photography prop that I really want from amazon. Click the photo for the link. I think it is the most adorable newborn photo ever. 


First Ultrasound